There are thousands of fat-loss pills on the market today. Sadly, most are absolutely useless. Only a few contain ingredients that are backed up by clinical research. And many do nothing at all.
When you do eventually find a truly effective fat-scorching product, the weight loss results are incredible. We’ve seen people lose up to 70 lbs with almost no effort or big lifestyle changes.
A great product doesn’t just speed up your metabolic rate. It also gives you a huge energy kick to help you find the motivation to both eat healthy and work out. It gives you a massive mood boost to keep you away from emotional junk food binges. And it suppresses your appetite to stop hunger and cravings.
In short, it can make losing weight easy. But you need to find the right one.
That’s where we come in. We’ve independently tested 67 of the best rated fat-loss pills on the market today.
Below, you’ll find the four most effective available today.
Best of the Best for Fat Loss, Energy, Focus, Mood & Performance – 2021
#1 (WINNER) – SKALD: Oxydynamic Fat Scorcher – by BELDT Labs
SKALD (by BELDT Labs) works like DMHA, the legendary diet discovery loved by Hollywood actors and bodybuilders. DMHA was banned in 2019 after people abused it and lost too much weight. Remarkably, SKALD’s manufacturers have found a safe, natural and legal alternative.
It delivers an incredibly potent rush of steady energy with no jitters or crash. Perfect if you want to exercise more or find the time to eat healthy.
Contains clinically proven natural ingredients to help boost mood and reduce appetite.
Designed to work perfectly with keto/ketogenic diets, and will not throw your body out of ketosis.
Also packed with ingredients designed to improve your breathing during work-outs. In our tests, it made intense cardio feel easier and more pleasant.
SKALD is made of rare natural ingredients, so it’s a lot harder to find than most fat burners. They run out of stock often.
Rumors suggest SKALD could be banned in future, just like DMHA.
It’s incredibly potent and effective, so users must ensure they don’t go below a healthy weight.
SKALD is a truly powerful and impressive fat burner, especially if you want to lose 10 lbs or more. We believe there’s nothing more effective available today.
The only real drawback is that SKALD is often out of stock, and is sometimes unavailable for months on end. If they fix that issue, they’ll have the best fat burner on the market by far.
Our Overall Rating: 4.8 Stars (out of 5)
*Individual results may vary (we understand you’re an adult and already know this, but we have to say it)
#2 – Cellucor – Super HD
Good energy and focus
Decent fat loss
Curbs appetite
Can cause profuse sweating and jitters
Because calorie sourcing is far more important for fat loss than calorie reduction (in general), we tend to ignore appetite-suppression as you only wind up robbing yourself of vital nutrients needed to function at optimal levels. That said, Cellucor Super HD has enough going for it that one could turn a blind-eye to this one take-or-leave aspect…
*Individual results may vary (we understand you’re an adult and already know this, but we have to say it)
#3 – BSN – Hyper Shred
Helps ramp metabolism for fat loss
Intensifies focus
Curbs appetite
Can cause overheating, profuse sweating, nausea
Hyper Shred gave us almost exactly the same experience as Cellucor Super HD: amped and focused, but still nervous, no appetite, and trembling stomach. While some might find all the additional energy great for tossing around weights all day, it can come at a cost of irritability, nausea, headache, trembling, overheating and sweats…
*Individual results may vary (we understand you’re an adult and already know this, but we have to say it)
#4 – MusclePharm – Shred Sport
Helps raise metabolism a little, but not much
OK focus
Moderate appetite suppression
Can cause nausea, overheating and profuse sweating
This review is for the originally released Shred Sport, which was just a rebranding of Shred Matrix, and since the formulas were the same this review could be applied to either one. That said, Shred Sport has made a significant reformulation since then, although we will not be updating with a review for that newest version since completely changing the formulation means you now have a completely different product. In other words: enjoy our Shred Matrix review…
*Individual results may vary (we understand you’re an adult and already know this, but we have to say it)